
  1. Focus is singular by definition
  2. It requires non-zero amounts of Flow and Anti-Flow
  3. Learn to recognize Faux-Flow. It looks a lot like Flow

Focus is singular by definition

Focus: "point at which an object must be situated so that a well-defined image of it may be produced by the lens" [^1].

The word focus comes from Latin, meaning "fire-place." The connection between its meaning in Latin and English is "perhaps an analogy of the burning point of a lens." [^2]

You can't focus on many things at the same time unless they occupy the same space. [^3]

It requires non-zero amounts of Flow and Anti-Flow

Flow is "the mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, Flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time. "[^4]

"If applied Flow is directing the creative process, Anti-Flow is about lack of direction to achieve an even more ambitiously creative end." [^5]

Flow is spending 4 hours doing something and barely noticing time passing. Anti-Flow is shower thoughts, ideas that wake you up at 3 am, or going for a walk. It is letting your brain do whatever it wants.

Flow is about execution. Anti-Flow is about reflection. You need both.

Non-zero amounts because it is different for each project, and it will change over time - no silver bullets.

Learn to recognize Faux-Flow. It looks a lot like Flow

Faux-Flow is busy work. You are chasing flow state, but instead of making significant progress in one direction, you do many disconnected tasks. This sequence of completed, but incohesive, tasks can give you a feeling similar to Flow. Even as you don't make much progress.

Faux-Flow is especially common for Managers. "managers are forever chasing the high associated with the Zone, but rarely achieve it because their job responsibilities directly contradict the requirements to get there. [^5]

Thank you Bernie for that 1:1 where you shared your thoughts on focus.